The Esoteric Structure of The Alphabet by Alvin Boyd Kuhn AUDIOBOOK
The Esoteric Structure of The Alphabet by Alvin Boyd Kuhn AUDIOBOOK
This audiobook will change your view of symbols, their meaning, and how they affect our world. Kuhn is an exquisite genius in showing how our alphabet was formed and how language dictates reality. Get it!
The spiritual life depends on self-recollection and detachment from the rush of life; it depends on facing frankly the thought of death; it is signalized, especially, by the identification of self with others, even of the guiltless with the guilty.
Spirituality is sometimes spoken of as if it were a kind of moral luxury, a work of supererogation, a token of fastidiousness and over-refinement. It is nothing of the sort. Spirituality is simply morality carried to its farthest bounds; it is not an airy bauble of the fancy, it is of “the tough fiber of the human heart.”
“God built the universe on number. “Pythagoras”
God built the universe on the letters of the alphabet. “The Zohar”
Alvin Boyd Kuhn